Eight Tips (leads, hints, suggestions)

  • adjust your diet according to your mental & physical state, season and your age. Apply your Dosha-type. Ensure there is a pleasant atmosphere during your meals.
  • stay fit with adequate exercise. Make a fitness-plan according to your age, job, and constitution.
  • Educate and cultivate your mental posture. Make differences between things that are good for you and things that might be harmful. As in food, any activity up to your thoughts.
  • Don’t let your weaknesses rule over you. This will only end in greed and sickness. Quality of life will only be achieved when you make your own decisions over your (physical & mental) needs.
  • Be co-operative and cultivate your social soundness. Too much self-centredness will lead to isolation.
  • Set preconceptions towards other people aside. Through Ayurveda you learn to pay attention to other people. Not due to selflessness, but to increase your own well-being.
  • Be truthful. Being honest will make you more relaxed and at ease.
  • Care about others – honour your friends and be thankful for their benevolence.